
I Switched to Boot Camp Mode

Switching to Boot Camp Mode I'm officially married!! It was a crazy 2018-2019 of moving and wedding planning while trying to manage working full time and going to back to school for web design. It spun me around and knocked me upside down like I had never experienced. As I stood on that alter with my new husband, I knew more at that time than I ever felt before the meaning of family. My family came from all over the country to our destination wedding in New Orleans. My immediate, extended family, and in laws were there just for us. At that point, I realized my priorities had changed. My time will become more precious and it has to be rationed between myself, work, Milly(my chi chi) and now my dear husband.  Lone Star community college classes were not offered at the times that I needed to keep up my full time job as a fashion teacher extraordinaire nor do I enjoy online classes that pile fluff work that did not result in the portfolio that I need. Fast Forward....July 20

The Programming Epiphany

 In the summer of 2018, I took the required Programming 1 class which teaches C++ programming language. This was the first time that I was exposed to this type of thinking since high school. I took a Java Programming class and did very well in it but did not see it as a career option for an African American woman from a small town. My professor, Dr. Java-her, served as role model to me, as a minority woman with a high level of experience and expertise in the area of computer science. She announced to the minority women in the room that there was a scholarship available to attend the Grace Hopper Conference in downtown Houston.       Who is Grace Hopper and what makes this conference so unique? My knowledge of all of this was lacking but I applied any way! Miraculously, I received the scholarship to attend the 3 day conference which covered my registration fees. I was so grateful and honored to attend such a prestigious conference surrounded by intelligent successful

The Road to Lone Star College

    In my school district, Lone Star has a very strong partnership and the slogan, Start Close, Go Far is pushed heavily. As a high school student applying to college in 2007, a community college was looked down on. It was seen as if you could not make the grades for a 4 year university, so you had to settle for a community college. Lone Star has completely shed that stereotype and offers rigorous curriculum, course loads right on par with a four year university, and highly qualified professors that push excellence.      In early March of 2018, I decided to take the leap to go back to my first love. I researched the certificate programs at Lone Star that involved web designing and programming. I loved the layout of the Web Design Certification program because the classes were to the point with no extra fluff classes. It was the best of both worlds- with design and programming.  I knew that I needed to learn and become proficient if I wanted to make a career change at this point in my

The Beginning of My Computer Love Affair

    Hello my name is Tranicia Rubin. I am currently a high school fashion teacher going to Lone Star in hopes of a change in career. I will be married in less than 157 days and want to have more flexibility once we start a family to work remotely or the option of telecommuting several days a week. It’s not just the schedule that attracts me to a career in web and mobile app development though. I fell in love with computers in 3rd grade when my teacher Mrs.Gibbs foreshadowed that learning to type was a necessity. It was just as important as learning to write legibly. She would have us pop in a game on the floppy discs on the big, bulky Apple computers and tape paper over our fingers. We were tested on our typing ability and speed the entire year. Did I mention that this was 1997? The average American household did not have a personal computer nor could many afford it. It was the years of the .com boom but was it just a trend? My teacher, a Venezuelan woman, who wore her black silky hai