The Programming Epiphany

 In the summer of 2018, I took the required Programming 1 class which teaches C++ programming language. This was the first time that I was exposed to this type of thinking since high school. I took a Java Programming class and did very well in it but did not see it as a career option for an African American woman from a small town. My professor, Dr. Java-her, served as role model to me, as a minority woman with a high level of experience and expertise in the area of computer science. She announced to the minority women in the room that there was a scholarship available to attend the Grace Hopper Conference in downtown Houston.

      Who is Grace Hopper and what makes this conference so unique? My knowledge of all of this was lacking but I applied any way! Miraculously, I received the scholarship to attend the 3 day conference which covered my registration fees. I was so grateful and honored to attend such a prestigious conference surrounded by intelligent successful women. I had never been surrounded by as many women who loved technology as much as I had. Listening to some of the speakers had me in tears of joys every day when I returned home. The exhibit hall was jam packed with top tech companies that I use religiously and logos that I see everyday. I talked to Nike, Apple, Google, RetailMeNot, Walmart, and Target recruiters to name a few. I gave them my resume and picked their brain on what was required to work in Web Design in their company. I found out that many of the companies are seeking employees with a unique set of skills like myself but all encouraged me to become more proficient in higher level programming languages to become more marketable. I do enjoy the type of thinking that programming asked of my brain.

    I talked with one of the Lone Star woman that had received a scholarship and we both decided that we should start learning more programming languages outside of school. She wanted to have a career in Cyber Security which we decided was needed in every company and industry. I set up a meeting to gain feedback from my Interactive Web professor, Mrs. Kisha Cormier. I looked up to her because she was an African American woman in the world of technology. During our meeting, she gave me insight on what industry leaders are seeking in their companies. The one thing that resonated with me was that a employee with strong skills in design and programming would be indispensable. She explored other certificate programs  at Lone Star with me that would help me gain stronger programming skills. We landed on the newer Mobile/Web App Development Degree. The downside was that most classes were offered online which was hard for me to keep up with but if I wanted to explore it. I took her advice and enrolled in the Web Programming online class with Professor Velda James. I also enrolled in the Intro to Computers online class. Both are on the track for Mobile/Web App Development in case I decide to switch. They are good classes to help me develop a schedule to complete assignments for online classes. If I can make an A in these classes, I believe that I can handle taking this degree program online.

  I owe this new found epiphany to Dr. Java-her, the Grace Hopper Conference, and Professor Cormier!... Time to apply for the Grace Hopper Conference Scholarship again. This time it will be in Orlando, Florida! 


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