The Road to Lone Star College

    In my school district, Lone Star has a very strong partnership and the slogan, Start Close, Go Far is pushed heavily. As a high school student applying to college in 2007, a community college was looked down on. It was seen as if you could not make the grades for a 4 year university, so you had to settle for a community college. Lone Star has completely shed that stereotype and offers rigorous curriculum, course loads right on par with a four year university, and highly qualified professors that push excellence.
     In early March of 2018, I decided to take the leap to go back to my first love. I researched the certificate programs at Lone Star that involved web designing and programming. I loved the layout of the Web Design Certification program because the classes were to the point with no extra fluff classes. It was the best of both worlds- with design and programming.  I knew that I needed to learn and become proficient if I wanted to make a career change at this point in my career. I also chose Lonestar for the affordability. LSU was my first and only choice when applying to college. It was out of state and quite expensive, so student loans were the only option. I did not want to take out loans again so I am able to set aside money to pay for it out of pocket at my own pace.
     I enrolled and took a minimester class online to see how I could handle working full time as a teacher and keep up with class work. It was a project based class which required more time than I anticipated. I really enjoyed expressing my creativity and gaining feedback from my professor! At the end of the minimester, I made an A! I had proved to myself that I could handle it, so I enrolled in classes full time for the summer. It felt like I was a regular college student, because I had the luxury of not working during the summer break which provided the focus I needed to dive into the Web Design program! 


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